SPI Supplies Silver Colloidal Suspension with Brush Applicator Cap。SPI銀膠05001-AB包裝規格凈含量約14克g
SPI Supplies Silver Colloidal Suspension with Brush Applicator Cap
Item Number SPI銀膠05001-AB,Size 0.5 Troy oz.包裝規格凈含量約14克g
Item Number 05002-AB型號,Size 1 Troy oz.包裝規格凈含量約28克g
Silver Paints/Pastes
All of paints and pastes listed on this page have been designed for specific microscopy laboratory applications, but we also know that all of them can be used to make any surface conductive. We offer the following comments to help those trying to decide which of these various products would be the most appropriate for their own particular application. Remember that the ultimate characteristics of the paints and pastes spring from the inherent properties of the respective metals, those being either silver or platinum.
Applications in microscopy:
The SPI Supplies Brand of silver paints are used widely throughout the world in the leading laboratories where scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is performed. The high purity of the silver solids and suspending medium make the SPI Supplies Brand the preferred brand wherever these kinds of microscopy are performed.
All of these paint products are electrically conductive. The carbon paint, however, while it is sufficiently conductive for its intended use for the grounding specimens for scanning electron microscopy, may not be sufficiently conductive for other applications, such as plating. One would have to try it in order to find out if it would work in their own specific plating application. The silver and platinum paint products are much more conductive than the carbon paint products, but also more expensive.
Items in Silver Paints/Pastes SPI導電銀膠/銀膏系列產品
04976-AB導電銀膠Thinner for SPI SafeShip Nonflammable Ag Colloid, 60 ml
04991-AB導電銀膠Circuitworks MicroTip Conductive Silver Pen 8.5g Line Width 1 mm
05003-AB SPI導電銀膠Dotite D-550 Silver Colloid, 20g
05005-AB導電銀膠SPI Silver Streaker for SEM applications, 30 g
05008-AB導電銀膠SPI Silver Kwik-Stik
05063-AB SPI導電銀膠SPI Supplies Silver Paste Plus 30g Tube, CAS #7440-22-4
Z04969導電銀膠SPI Supplies LVOC Silver Paint with Brush Applicator Cap
Z04977導電銀膠SPI SafeShip Nonflammable Ag Colloid
Z04996導電銀膠SPI Supplies Thinner for SPI Flash-Dry Silver Colloid, 60 ml,
Z04998導電銀膠SPI Flash-Dry Silver Colloidal Suspension with Brush Applicator Cap
Z05001導電銀膠SPI Supplies Silver Colloidal Suspension with Brush Applicator Cap:SPI銀膠05001-AB,05002-AB銀膠
Z05002G導電銀膠SPI Supplies® Silver Colloidal Suspension
Z05004導電銀膠SPI Supplies Thinner for SPI Silver Colloidal Suspensions